Value for Value

No advertisements. No affiliate codes. No vitamin male enhancement supplements. The global theology of the advertising industry has no place here. Big tech Silicon Valley giants like Facebook and Google owe the lion’s share of their profits to advertising. Big Data collection, the obliteration of personal privacy and the Hegelian mind control of the advertising industry are all that is wrong with the world. At Canary Cry Newstalk we operate on the value for value principal. Raise a rebel fist with producers from around the world and become part of the cycle of value that keeps free media alive.


Ways to Support

There are many ways of supporting the show. If you get anything from our show, please help us keep the lights on, our babies fed and the cages rattled by supporting the show. There are many ways to support what we do here! Pick any or all. We appreciate you so.



One Time Producer

Provide one time support to Canary Cry News Talk in whatever amount you choose or check out the ideas below for amount suggestions.

Producerships above $7.77 will have their accompanying note read live on air!


Don’t know how much to Produce?


Pockets full of 3’s

Producers seem to love signaling to the Illuminati Overlords by producing in sets of 3’s.


Are you seeing 11s everywhere you look? Maybe it is time to become an 11:11 producer.

Pockets Full of 7’s

The perfect producership. Become a producer with a set of 7’s, the Biblical number of perfection.



Monthly Recurring Producer

Support Canary Cry News Talk in a monthly basis in whatever amount you choose or for some ideas take a look at the suggestions below.

Suggestions for Producership Amounts



Are you seeing 11s everywhere you look? Maybe it is time to become an 11:11 producer.

Illuminati handler Producers

Signal to the Illuminati Overlords and reach Knighthood in 30 months with this $33.33/mo producer option.

One year KNIGHThood

Always wanted to be a Knight or Dame of the Canary Cry Roundtable? For $83.33/month, it only takes one year!



Associate/Executive Producership

The title of Associate Executive Producer is granted to all producers who support the show in the amount of $100 or more for any single episode. The title of Executive Producer is awarded to the producer each episode with the highest support over $100. Associate executive and Executive producers are credited live on air and are an integral part of keeping Canary Cry NewsTalk free, ad free, and free from corporate interests.




Consider yourself a Crypto Chad? Here is a list of our cryptocurrency accounts. The decentralized nature of crypto is becoming more and more of an aspect of the value for value system. Note: all crypto producerships arrive anonymously, for show credit please send an email to


Snail Mail

You can also send us a check or those paper bills called cash to us the old fashioned way. Checks can be written to:

P.O. BOX 7383

Want to contribute your skills, talents, and time?

Canary Cry News Talk grows and thrives thanks to the participation and SKILLS of our producers! Want to help out the show in ways that money can’t buy? Fill out the form below and let us know a little about you!