
Canary Cry News Talk #698 12.13.2023 - Recorded Live to 1s and 0s

ARTIFICIAL INSANITY | We Keep Calling It, War Rising Everywhere, Rothschild Island

Deconstructing Corporate Mainstream Media News from a Biblical Worldview

Declaring Jesus as Lord amidst the Fifth Generation War!

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Resource: Index of MSM Ownership (Harvard.edu)

Resource: Aliens Demons Doc (feat. Dr. Heiser, Unseen Realm)

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This Episode was Produced By:

Executive Producers

Sir LX Protocol V2 Knight of the Berrean Protocol***

Anonymous for the Grand High Matriarch of Memes***

Caroline F***

Liivi P**

Producers of Treasure

Sir Marti K Knight of the Wrong Timeline

Dame Gail Canary Whisperer and Lady of X’s and O’s

Veronica D 


Sir Morv Knight of the Burning Chariots

Sir Scott Knight of Truth

Sir Casey the Shield Knight



CanaryCry.ART Submissions


Sir Dove Knight of Rusbeltia



Stephen S - Chief’s next topic during the concall, “We need to revamp the image of our re-indoctrination camps.  People are comparing us with the Chi-coms.  Launch a marketing campaign  Our summer camps have hiking, canoeing, horseback riding, and a petting zoo!” 

JOLMS - (Part 5) Inside the cockpit, the pilot slouches. Search scans and various commands fly across his red stained HUD. He sits still. Strapped in tight and silent. The scans conclude the target’s probable position. The steering wheel tilts itself, willing the ship to head back inside for a sweep. The pilot sits still. Strapped in tight and silent. 


Emsworth, FaeLivrin, Joelms, Laura


Jade Bouncerson, Morgan E

CanaryCry.Report Submissions





T - 3:49 from D-Live

HELLO, RUN DOWN 6:13 V / 2:24 P

CALLED IT 7:21 V / 3:32 P

CCNT Episode 676

Occult and Magic Masters, University of Exeter

Jeff Sharlet bio, Jeff Sharlet X, Jeff Sharlet Wiki

Media Coverage of the Trump Movement is Missing Vital Context /w Jeff Sharlet (OTM NPR)

→ Clips from: No Agenda 1612 Show Notes

DAY JINGLE/V4V/EXEC./supply 41:18 V / 37:29 P

FLIPPY 59:45 V / 55:56 P

Robotic arm space damage (phys.org)

WW3/5GW 1:07:44 V / 1:03:55 P

It’s Not Just Ukraine and Gaza: War Is on the Rise Everywhere (Bloomberg) 

Clip: Al Gore Algorithms and Artificial Insanity

UFOs 1:29:05 V / 2:25:16 P

Clip 1: David Grusch says he has first hand knowledge, op-ed coming (News Nation)

Clip 2: Response to medical history leak, accuses the Intercept and the Hill (News Nation)

SPEAKPIPE/TALENT/TIME 1:42:26 V / 1:38:37 P

ANTARCTICA 1:55:18 V / 1:51:29 P

Rothschild Island named for banking family, not owned by it | Fact check (USA Today)

V4V/TIME 2:03:30 V / 1:59:41 P


Gonzo Shimura