Canary Cry News Talk #456 - 03.09.2022


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App Made by Canary Cry Producer: Truther Dating App

UKRAINE 1/ENERGY 3:35 V / 0:59 P

Clip: Biden bans Russian oil, warns gas prices

→ Clip Flashback: Trump 2020 campaign, Biden gas price prediction

US rejects Poland offer for Migs to Ukraine, NATO disharmony (WBNC/CBS)

Aliens?: UFO attacked Russian forces, says CBN News’ Ukraine Director (IB Times)

FLIPPY 39:43 V / 37:07 P

Nationwide home assistance robots, Labrador, for stay at home seniors (Dispatch)

UKRAINE 2/BIOLABS 56:48 V / 54:12 P

Source 4/2020: Ukraine op group calls for probe on US labs (TASS/Russia)

China pushes conspiracy theory about labs in Ukraine (Bloomberg)

Clip: Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland mentions “biological research facilities” in Ukraine

Source 2012: Biosecurity Challenges of the Global Expansion…Biolabs (Nat’l Acad. of Sci.)

The Power of False War Propaganda (The Daily Beast)

-connection with the US Gov Ad Buy’s for vaccine = state TV (The Blaze)

COVID19/WACCINE 2:04:15 V / 2:01:39

4th jab could be silver bullet to anti-vax crisis (Fortune)

Moderna to build mRNA factory in Kenya (CNBC)

Florida’s top health official says no child should get jab, calls it “reckless” (Wapo)

CA Officials raid preschool, question 2 year old about masks (NY Post)

CYBORG 2:44:14 V / 2:41:38

Clip: Tucker Carlson guest says we’re headed towards “Cyborg Vivarium” (Media Matters)

New patent to allow people to control cars with their brains (PowerNationTV)

METAVERSE 3:00:08 V / 2:57:32

Meta celebrated black history month with “Afrofuturistic” world (Twitter)


What does banning Russian oil accomplish? (AP)

Clip: What they don’t tell you about Russia Putin

Bill Gates issues huge warning over Elon Musk and cryptocurrencies (The Sun)

Extinct Judean Date Palm resurrected from seeds (Ancient-Origins, Arava Institute)

Researchers find white supremacy on the rise in America (Chinese News)

New theory on aliens is how they exist “as we don’t know it” (SciTechDaily)

FBI: Ransomware gang breached 52 US critical infrastructure orgs (Bleeping Computer)

…more Ukraine/Russia

Biden confronts new conflict of energy (Spectator World)

With world in crisis, Israel steps up (Jerusalem Post)

Coinbase caves to Russia sanctions (The Street)

Ukrainian researchers stationed in Antarctica “in agony” (Nature, Wired version)

Deleted webpages show Obama connection to Ukraine biolabs (E7)

…more Flippy

Amazon workers films himself getting trapped by robot shelves (NY Post, Newsweek)

GE’s worm robot to clear fat deposits from sewage pipes (Tech Crunch)

Trading bots will take over all market trading (TMZ)

Robots: Saviors of Creativity? (Creative Review)


Executive Producers

Sister Sarah**

Dustin H**


Krissy H, Pocojojo, MORV, Cloud Suriel, Sir JC Knight of the TechnoSquatch, Malik W, LX PROTOCOL V2, BB, Palmer B, Aaron W, Sir Scott Knight of Truth, Sir James Knight of and servant of the lion of Judah, Veronica D, Jody P, Jackie U, Runksmash, Sir Casey the Shield Knight, DrWhoDunDat, Gail M

AUDIO PRODUCTION (Jingles, Iso, Music):

ART PRODUCTION (Drawing, Painting, Graphics):

Dame Allie of the Skillet Nation, Sir Dove Knight of Rusbeltia, Sir Sammons Knight of the FIshes, MrJAG

CONTENT PRODUCTION (Microfiction etc.):


The Sentinel:


Emsworth, FaeLivrin, Epsilon


Mondays: Jackie U

Wednesdays: Jade Bouncerson

Fridays: Christine C

Gonzo Shimura