Canary Cry News Talk #443 - 02.07.2022
LINKTREE: CanaryCry.Party
SHOW NOTES: CanaryCryNewsTalk.com
CLIP CHANNEL: CanaryCry.Tube
SUPPLY DROP: CanaryCrySupplyDrop.com
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MEET UPS: CanaryCryMeetUps.com
Basil’s other podcast: ravel
Gonz’ YT: Facelikethesun Resurrection
App Made by Canary Cry Producer: Truther Dating App
Skate Update
444 Daimyo
Space Force recruiting (Twitter)
New study, Humans more attracted to female robots over male robots (Daily Star)
Clip: CDC new guidance, Fauci confused (abc7)
Did hospital deny a man heart transplant over jab refusal? (Snopes)
Truckers: Freedom Convoy update, GoFundMe shuts down account (CNBC) [Daily Caller]
Online pastors, form letters: the “cottage industry” helping prevent jabs (LA Times)
Party Pitch///BREAK 1: Executive Producers, Paypal, Patrons///SPEAKPIPE
→ Images: Putin Xi watching Olympics comparison (Twitter)
→ Headline: White House says Russia invasion of Ukraine can happen at any time (NY Post)
Xi and Putin tout ‘redistribution of power in the world’ (CNBC Op-ed)
US sends troops arrive in Poland to reinforce eastern European allies (Yahoo)
BREAK 2: Art, Reviews, Jingles, Meet Ups
→ Zuckerberg considers shutting down in Europe if they can’t allow US servers (City A.M.)
→ UFO crash site in Antarctica? (Express.co.uk)
Eric Weinstein rant on organized civil disobedience (Twitter threat)
Gen Z has better start than Millennials (Insider)
Fish and rats brains connected robots (WSJ)
New study, CRISPR can generate unexpected, heritable mutations (AniNews)
Clawee is next stage in gaming, “connected reality” (Calcalistech)
Honda retiring Asimo robot (Japan News)
More Cobid
I’m disgusted by Joe Rogan, colleague death makes it worse (Wapo Op)
Costa Rica mandates for under 5, not fully supported (CNN)
Student jab mandate crisis next (Intercept)
White House gets set for cautious pivot on pandemic (The Hill)
Executive Producer
Bush Protector**
Supply Drop
Krillin -AW
Andrew, Juan A, MORV, Aaron J Knight of the Cute Little Piggies, Laura C, HeatherSirRuss, JC, Palmer B, Lady K, Scott K, Runksmash, DrWhoDunDat, Jackie U, Child of God, Sir Casey the Shield Knight, Gail M, Veronica D, Amanda P, Sir Sigrah the Beast
Mondays: Jackie U
Wednesdays: Jade Bouncerson
Fridays: Christine C
AUDIO PRODUCTION (Jingles, Iso, Music):
Psalm 40
ART PRODUCTION (Drawing, Painting, Graphics):
Dame Allie of the Skillet Nation
Sir Dove Knight of Rusbeltia
CONTENT PRODUCTION (Microfiction etc.)
Runksmash: Onboard the pirate vessel Jeffy’s B’s Folly, Basil looks at the sea, watching for threats. The intercom goes off “Captain, we’ve got her.” Rayna’s voice says triumphantly. Basil watches as the dive suit clad hero and robot board his apocalypse yacht.
note: sent in article on 2 phases of water
The Sentinel: Its 1984 in Orange County California. Basil, excited to have completed his first day of college decides to treat himself to a night out. It was a stressful week, moving away from home is never easy, but now freedom is all he can see through the windshield of his AMC Pacer. Who would he become? A super famous news anchor? A leading critic of the new Macintosh computers? A hulking bodybuilder? “Why not all three?” He thought to himself. Just then a beacon of neon lights caught his eye through the rainy night. “Whoa bro,” He said to his Pacer, who rattled back disapprovingly of his selection. “This is the place.” He went inside, his senses overcome by the magnificence of the establishment. A cheerful young lady greeted him from behind a counter. “Welcome to the House of Skatin’!”