Canary Cry News Talk ep. 388 - 09.13.2021 - THE GREAT DEMON-LITION: Delta Dying, China Rising, Incoming Financial Chaos - CCNT 388

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INTRO 0:07:12

Biden creepy and walk off (Clip)

Biden robot president “malfunction” (Clip, Juan A)

Senior BIS: Central Banks must act now on crypto (Financial Times)

Headline: Bitcoin legalized in Ukraine, next Paraguay, Panama, Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina etc. (Sun)

FLIPPY 0:18:17

China’s World Robot conference kicks off (DailyMail)

AI (Quick) 0:29:57

AI mimicking taste, smell, and more (Insider)


Narrative A

Clip: Edo state Nigeria, no banking service with jab

Clip: Fauci calls for unjabbed Americans to be be banned from air travel


Clip: Leaked Zoom call, marketer to make hospitals “more scary to the public” (Clip)

Clip: Aussie senator declares war on unjabbed (Clip)


Headline: UN Sec Gen warns “Breakdown of Global Order” due to C19 (Israel Hayom)

Covid passports scrapped for winter, UK (Times UK)

Biden tells VA to withhold health benefits from unjabbed Vets (FAKE: Delaware Ohio News)

Member of Congress exempt from Biden jab mandate (Newsweek)

Narrative B 1:26:00

Headline: White House says they didn’t expect such “vehement opposition” to Trump jab (Wa. Ex)

*Delta is Dying* (City-Journal)

Hospital stopped delivering babies, nurses quitting over mandate (WWNY)

Ivermectin: Claim, Ivermectin reduces male sperm count, debunked (AP News)

BREAK (producer party) 1:57:00

POLYTICS 3:01:39

Chinese News/Great Reset:

Biden Calls Xi (CBS)

BRICS nations to cooperate with Xi (Global Security, People’s Daily Online)

Newsom Science:

Rigged election in CA? (KTLA Clip)

Rose McGowan on Newsom Recall (Clip)

Newsom will likely win (Spectator World)


El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron


Unjabbed 11 times more likely to DIE for unjabbed (Wapo)

Teen boys more at risk of heart issue than hospitalization, Pfizer (Guardian)

Anti-Vaccine mandate protest at Ground Zero on 9/11 (DailyMail)

C19 is becoming like the flu, if jabbed (WSJ)

LAPD to collect social media data on every civilian they stop (Guardian)

Phony Diagnosis hies high rates of drugging at nursing homes (NY Times)

Taliban taking back over parts of Afghanistan (Times UK)

One vaccine makes more antibodies than the other, but does it matter? (Bloomberg)

Role of FBI Informant in Muslim Surveillance case (Intercept)

Kentucky GOP overrides Governor, ends statewide mask mandate (Newsweek)

How 9/11 ushered in a new era of conspiracy theories (Scientific American)

How Facebook, Amazon, Google, abused Patriot Act after 9/11 (MSNBC)

Minnesota, text and emails deleted by police during 2020 riots (BMNews)

Aussies target Robot Olympics, Mega Cavern (SBS News)

Wooly mammoth resurrection update, new company (NY Times)

PRODUCERS ep. 388:

Aaron J**, Cherie H*, Mouth Guard Lady, Timothy H, Spears Desert, Juan A, Janae G, David K, Sir Casey the Shield Knight, OverTheRainbow, Sir Sammon Knight of the Fishes, Big Tank, Kaysi C, JC, Scott K, Marcella T, Joseph H, PlatypusLady44, Heather and Russ, Brandt W, Alana L, Veronica D, Runksmash, Gail M, Ciara, Redding, Lou


Christine C


Marty B and Dame Madelyn


Dame Allie of the Skillet Nation

Sir Dove, Knight of Rustbeltia

Gonzo Shimura