305: On this episode of CCNT, Flippy Spot unleashed on the streets of NY, Flippy impact on education, 666; POLYTICK: Biden strikes Syria in less than 35 days, DC pushing statehood, CNN fear propaganda; WACCINE: Lancet comes clean on PCR, WAPO pushes waccine denying mark of the beast, China swabs oops, Spinal Tap style egg protection; incredible headline from 2018; BEAST SYSTEM: Mt. Fuji smart city, Ravi Zacharias exposed, creepy gymnastics coach suicide, ungodly music, End it Movement has good message but weird delivery; 33: woman’s car shot, facilities evacuated in Houston, Phoenix art festival. #MarkOfTheBeast #Syria #Propaganda
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Apple: https://apple.co/3gl7yt9
ART BY: Mike B
ART BY: Mike B
ART BY: Christine
ART BY: Teresa
ART BY: Allie
PRODUCERS BY TREASURE for ep. 305: EricTheGreat, Paul, Malik W, Lorelei V, Jessica C, Nester A, Mike P, Kendra S, @Shield_labs, Anon, Daniel S, Mary H.