Episode 282: It’s 2021, and we start by breaking down the AR Space Needle, an election update with sudden deaths, Trump tapes, LLin Wood, and Oberman scum; Flippy farming; UPDATES with 2x 33, UFO countdown stimulus, UFO over Oahu, Japanese wood satellites, Bidet’s man, UN diplomats found dead, “Amen, Awomen,” Greta trolling, PANDEMIC SPECIAL; Epstein cellmate, pandemic passport 1 and 2, WHO warns worse, flu is gone, WACCINE; mRNA reverse engineering biohack (proof), allergic nanoparticles, 50% LA says no, Swiss nurse dead, 100’s of Israeli’s, Mexican doc hospitalized, Wisconsin man fired, anti-mask people are authoritarian, mixing waccines, HEK293 report and abortion creeps! #UFOs #SpaceNeedle #Pandemic
GET THE CANARY CRY 2021 CALENDARS HERE: https://www.canarycrymerchperch.com/product-page/2021-canary-cry-calendar
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ART BY: Grace
ART BY: J Vela
ART BY: Allie