223: UFO MY 5 GEEZ!
Episode 223: In this episode, Flippy that gives you a haircut, Gundam takes his first steps, Portland protests are getting out of control, Chinese consulate arrests, former CIA suggests “legit” Q to return to 4kun, multiple 33 headlines like this one, Planned Parenthood admits to horrible origin, 5G science paper argues that it causes coronavirus (withdrawn but archived and the actual science paper), DaddyFauci pitch goes way left...like his predictions, Bill Gates says multiple waccines necessary, virus death count miscount reported, more money printing for virus escape plan, Nixon deep fake is deeply troubling, DHS deep fake address, Raelien press release, alien virus fear, Pentagon UFO group to disclose other worldly craft, Paypal getting into crypto officially, VISA getting into crypto officially, Mastercard getting into crypto officially, US banks approved for crypto custody, red panda mom is found! Thanks for joining us on YouTube, Twitch, Facebook, Dlive, and Periscope/Twitter! And make sure to visit the CanaryCry.Community for some unhindered social media off of the facebags and tweeters! All links to articles can be found on Canary Cry News Talk (dot) com! Finally, please visit our SUPPORT PAGE (canarycryradio.com/support) if you feel called to help us feed our babies and kittens! #UFOs #DeepFake #5G
Art by: Garrett
Art by: Allie “Gasil and Bonz”