Episode 206: In this episode, Gonz catches YouFascist deleting his comments, Basil visits a protest, flippy is an artificial chemist, CNN get’s owned on air, Chauvin bail set, Obama post debunked debacle, man shows up to protest with bees, peaceful protest car racing, mosquito repellants but will it work for the genetically modified? Protestors want to destroy pyramids, Minnesota police defunded and disbanded, sort of, Forbes censors their own article, Asymptomatic spread is rare, AI learning health care, Prince Andrews hunted in Epstein case, Fluoride trials begin, where are the aliens, and Nephilim Update 1 and 2! Thanks for joining us on YouTube, Twitch, Facebook, Dlive, and Periscope/Twitter! And make sure to visit the CanaryCry.Community for some unhindered social media off of the facebags and tweeters! All links to articles can be found on Canary Cry News Talk (dot) com! Finally, please visit our SUPPORT PAGE (canarycryradio.com/support) if you feel called to help us feed our babies and kittens! #SocialEngineering #Protest #Scamdemic
Art by: Jim
Art by: Jayvela