The Live-Stream broadcast of this episode was CENSORED by YouTube, kicking out hundreds of people tuning in live, and only allowing the final 12 seconds of the show to remain archived afterwards. This blatant censorship is why we truly appreciate those who not only support us by sharing the show with friends and family, but financially through Patreon or Paypal. Your direct value for value support is how we will keep this thing rolling, because we all know YouTube...better known as CommieTube, will not allow any dissenting information to air on their platform. 

The SECOND COMING of CORONAVIRUS? - 05.13.2020 - CCNT 197

Episode 197: Elon Musk holograms, 2001 Space Odyssey predictive programming, Yahoo affirms Obamagate, Michigan Gov gone wild, techno-rural work pods revisited, DOD to make prefilled syringes for covid19, Demorats want $3 trillion printed, LA to lock down for 3 more months, Riverside county says no, NY almost hit by Chinese space debris, NYT reports dark winter from “whistleblower,” NY to hold online training on how to become a snitch, and Gonz goes Google Gamut doing a search for “coronavirus” articles from the last 50 years to find stuff from 1990, 2003, 2005, 2012 (2x), 2014, 2015, and 2016 where they almost had a cure based on a computer simulation! Thanks for joining us on YouTube, Twitch, Facebook, Dlive, and Periscope/Twitter! #Coronavirus #Biblical #Quarantine

Gonzo Shimura